AFIT Welcomes Dr. Amy Diaz, interim president of Gateway Community College

AFIT members,

AFIT’s Executive Committee is pleased to announce that Dr. Amy Diaz, interim president of GateWay Community College in Phoenix, Arizona – a Maricopa Community College – has been accepted as a new member. Kristin Gubser, interim VP, Institutional Effectiveness & Workforce Strategies will serve as the College’s AFIT Rep.

Amy has served in many leadership roles during her 25+ year career in higher education, including the VP of Student Development in IL for 12 years and GW’s Dean of Liberal Arts & Learning Support and VP of Academic Affairs.


Dr. Amy Diaz, interim president, GateWay Community College

Kristin Gubser, interim VP, GateWay Community College


"AFIT is an organization that will help GateWay leverage our innovative, entrepreneurial spirit through collaboration and collegial discourse with peers,” says Amy. ”I value spending time with other CEOs who are willing to dive into similar issues in higher education so that we transform our students’ lives and meet our community’s needs with purpose and innovative solutions.”

After a social media post about Summer Institute shared by one of our members caught Amy’s attention, she attended two AFIT CEO Networking Sessions. With the encouragement of Kate Smith at Rio Salado (also part of Maricopa), she decided to apply for membership.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Amy Diaz and Kristin Gubser of GateWay Community College to our alliance!